Anandham is an Tamil soap opera on Sun TV. It is a Prime time serial. The show premiered on 24 November 2003. It was airs Monday through Friday at 7:30pm. The show stars Sukanya, Brinda Das, Delhi Kumar and Kamalesh. The show is produced by Sathya Jyothi Films director by T.G Thyagarajan. It had been receiving the highest ratings of Tamil serials and It was credited as the Best Serial and received high praising from viewers.
It was also airs in Sri Lanka Tamil Channel on Shakthi TV. The show last aired on 27 February 2009 and ended with 1297 episodes. It was also is being re-aired on Zee Tamil since 24 February 2014, Monday through Friday at 6:00pm. It ended its run on 6 February 2015 after airing 239 episodes.