Crossword clues for analysts
n. (plural of analyst English)
Usage examples of "analysts".
The antennas would pick up the preprogrammed signals, and the onboard receivers would automatically transmit them down to Sigint analysts in South Vietnam, who could then retransmit them via satellite in near real time right to NSA.
The backlogged Cuban analysts and cryptologists of B Group were only now putting out translations of messages intercepted weeks earlier.
Communist China was also a high priority, with eighty-seven intercept operators and analysts focused on it.
There, traffic analysts put together a nearly complete Chinese army order of battle.
All analysts could do was sit and listen to the hopeless messages from the rebel soldiers fighting on the beach and their supporters throughout Cuba.
Just before his scheduled retirement in November 1960, the agency suffered the worst scandal in its history when two of its analysts, William H.
The tapes would quickly be flown to NSA, where analysts would search for new signals coming from the vicinity of the surface-to-air missile sites under construction.
There, technicians would triangulate the exact positions of the ships and subs and pass the information on to analysts in NSA.
At the same time, between twenty-five and fifty analysts manually reviewed all traffic between Cuba and New Orleans and Cuba and Dallas, and some traffic between Cuba and Russia.
NSA officials and fourteen intercept operators and analysts from the three military cryptologic organizations arrived on the largest island of the group, Diego Garcia, to begin hearability tests.
Around him were more than two dozen dead intercept operators, analysts, and communications personnel.
To listen to foreign naval signals, the Navy had to stick its analysts in awkward, antenna-covered mobile vans placed aboard destroyers and destroyer escorts.
Yokota Air Base in Japan, where analysts determined that North Korea was not building up its forces for any further attacks.
The analysts worked on long tables constructed of plywood and scrap lumber, but because there were so few chairs, the table was made about four feet tall so they could stand up while working.
NSA analysts could thus predict B-52 mission launchings at least two hours prior to take-off.