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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Anagrammatize \An`a*gram"ma*tize\, v. t. [Gr. 'anagrammati`zein cf. F. anagrammatiser.] To transpose, as the letters of a word, so as to form an anagram.


vb. (alternative spelling of anagrammatise English)


v. read letters out of order to discover a hidden meaning [syn: anagram, anagrammatise]

Usage examples of "anagrammatize".

Twitch: Brad tends to vocally anagrammatize, scrambling letters within a word rather than scrambling the order of the words themselves like Walter.

It made me think of Warburton for a moment, his final memo, and I began to juggle the alphabet, to fit it together finally, three names from two, anagrammatized, a last .

He prodded the jumble of letters, copied out the text several times on a separate sheet, anagrammatizing the words at different junctions to form new scrambles, buttressing himself from thoughts of the past.