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n. (plural of amputation English)

Usage examples of "amputations".

Hamid-Jones shuddered as he thought of all the beheadings, amputations of right hands, and other statutory mutilations that had been carried out on the sinister Carpet of Blood.

The hands were fixed in the same way, the boy's body was cleaned like the girls and there was substantial blood loss, more perhaps than would have occurred even with the amputations and disembowelling.

Blood loss is attributed, without any supporting evidence, to the amputations.

It confirmed, in his opinion, that the amputations had been carried out without anaesthetic and while the victims were fully conscious.

He couldn't explain the blood loss, which was not only the result of the amputations.

That's how the blood drained from them from the amputations, without leaving any trace of lividity.

Both showed evidence of torture other than the amputations, which they knew to have occurred after death.

Cliff is the final, helpless, involuntary victim of a whole history of amputations.

Heads winch apart from their prosthetic torsos, and limbless trunks testify to torturous amputations.

For Reagan's miraculous body is our collective, postmodern equivalent of Doctor Schreber's: it suffers innumerable violent assaults and amputations, yet it remains untouched as a quasi-divine "substance of unity" (Kenneth Dean and Brian Massumi, First and Last Emperors).

The interference between the two worlds leads to a series of hysterical sexual fantasies, grotesque amputations, and surreal confusions of identity.

All that is offered in return for the dowry is free access to Arturo the Aqua Man's shows, and the surgical amputations performed by the Arturan medical staff.

Arturo, she claims, is torturing his followers with prolonged, expensive, gradual amputations.

No amputations were scheduled for this first majlis, and when they were resumedsparingly under Islamic law, the Vizier intended to have a physician standing by with a tourniquet and painkillers.

The Rebel doctors at the hospital resorted to wholesale amputations to check the progress of the gangrene.