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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Amphioxus \Am`phi*ox"us\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? + ? sharp.] (Zo["o]l.) A fishlike creature ( Amphioxus lanceolatus), two or three inches long, found in temperature seas; -- also called the lancelet. Its body is pointed at both ends. It is the lowest and most generalized of the vertebrates, having neither brain, skull, vertebr[ae], nor red blood. It forms the type of the group Acrania, Leptocardia, etc.


n. The lancelet, particularly of the genus ''Branchiostoma''

  1. n. small translucent lancet-shaped burrowing marine animal; primitive forerunner of the vertebrates [syn: lancelet]

  2. [also: amphioxi (pl)]

Usage examples of "amphioxus".

In fact, the very name amphioxus is from Greek words meaning "both-pointed," with reference to the two ends.

In passing from the primitive chordates, such as amphioxus, into the vertebrate subphylum, one passes from an unspecialized nerve cord to one in which the anterior end has developed into the brain.

As I understand it, he actually anticipated in his pamphlet Saint Hilaire's theory of the universal type, and supported the hypothesis by describing the notochord of the amphioxus as a cartilaginous vertebral column.