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There are several characters named Amphion in Greek mythology:

  • Amphion, son of Zeus and Antiope, and twin brother of Zethus (see Amphion and Zethus). Together they are famous for building Thebes. Pausanias recounts an Egyptian legend according to which Amphion employed magic to build the walls of the city. Amphion married Niobe, and killed himself after the loss of his wife and children (the Niobids) at the hands of Apollo and Artemis. Diodorus Siculus calls Chloris his daughter, but the other accounts of her parentage identify her father as another Amphion, the ruler of Minyan Orchomenus (see below).
  • Amphion, son of Iasus and Persephone (a mortal woman, not the wife of Hades). This Amphion is an obscure character, said to be a king of the Minyans of Orchomenus, in Boeotia.
  • Amphion, son of Hyperasius; he and his brother Asterius were Argonauts.
  • Amphion the Epean, of Elis, who took part in the Trojan War on the side of the Greeks.
Amphion (ship)
Amphion (moth)

Amphion is a genus of moths in the Sphingidae family.

Amphion (disambiguation)

Amphion is the name of several characters in Greek mythology.

Amphion may also refer to:

  • Amphion (1778 ship), a pleasure craft owned by Gustav III of Sweden
  • Amphion (moth), a genus of hawk moths
  • HMS Amphion, seven naval vessels
  • USS Amphion, two naval vessels
  • Amphion Loudspeakers, a Finnish manufacturer of loudspeakers
  • Amphion, a British Thoroughbred racehorse.
Amphion (horse)

Amphion (1886 – 30 October 1906) was a British Thoroughbred racehorse. He won some minor races as a two-year-old, but was not entered into any of the Classics. As a three-year-old he won several races including the Great Jubilee Stakes. He improved again as a four-year-old, winning the Hardwicke Stakes, Lancashire Plate and Champion Stakes, beating several classic winners in the process. He remained in training as a five-year-old, winning the March Stakes and Rous Memorial Stakes. Amphion was trained by Mr. Chandler and owned by General Byrne. As a stallion he sired several top class horses including the sprinter Sundridge, Champion Stakes winner Dieudonne and Eclipse Stakes winner Lally.

Usage examples of "amphion".

Zethus on his shoulders was lifting the peak of a steep mountain, like a man toiling hard, and Amphion after him, singing loud and clear on his golden lyre, moved on, and a rock twice as large followed his footsteps.

I was caught unawares when Amphion, previously a dead star, abruptly went nova and came to life.

As she has pointed out, Amphion is now a raging furnace, a growing star.

Beta Niobe and the Amphion sun here do match up on the two charts, Mr.

That is, I am promoting Amphion if Amphion votes to fight our way out tonight.

It flew about among the tree ferns, and when its tail struck the branches, they were almost surprised not to hear the harmonious strains that inspired Amphion to rebuild the walls of Thebes.

Asterius and Amphion, sons of Hyperasius, came from Achaean Pellene, which once Pelles their grandsire founded on the brows of Aegialus.

In it too were the twin sons of Antiope, daughter of Asopus, Amphion and Zethus, and Thebe still ungirt with towers was lying near, whose foundations they were just then laying in eager haste.

Orpheus and Amphion went a little farther, and by the charms of music enchanted things merely inanimate.

Did Amphion, from the rude and shapeless stones, raise by his power a regular edifice, houses, palaces, and cities?

Orpheus, who sang so entrancingly that mortals forgot their punishments and followed him, and Amphion, who drew the stones into their places in the walls by his music, performed no more of a miracle than a lad who tips a Bessemer converter.

Loreley had decreed to attract a soul thither, or Amphion, the enchanter, intended there to build a city.

He also sang as basso of the Temple Emanuel from 1874 to 1888, thirteen consecutive years, and was the basso profundo of that celebrated male quartette, The Amphions, composed of Joseph Maguire, H.

Amphion: Of Cadmus, which that was the firste man, That Thebes built, or first the town began, And of the city first was crowned king.

The blood royal of Cadm' and Amphion: Of Cadmus, which that was the firste man, That Thebes built, or first the town began, And of the city first was crowned king.