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Saint "Amphibalus" is venerated as the early Christian priest who converted Saint Alban to Christianity. Alban sheltered the priest from religious persecution for a number of days, during which time Alban was so impressed with the priest's faith and teaching that Alban began to emulate him in worship, and became a Christian. When Roman soldiers came to seize the priest, Alban put on the priest's clothing and cloak, and went with the soldiers in the priest's stead. After Alban's martyrdom, Amphibalus escaped, but was eventually caught and also martyred.

Usage examples of "amphibalus".

When at last the persecutors had discovered the hiding-place of Amphibalus, Alban, in order to aid his escape, changed garments with the deacon, and allowed himself to be taken in his stead, while Amphibalus made his way into Wales, where, however, he was ultimately captured and was brought back by the persecutors, who possibly intended to put him to death at Verulamium, but for some reason which we do not understand he was executed about four miles from the city at a spot where the village of Redbourn now stands, the parish church of which is dedicated to him.

The relics of Amphibalus were discovered about this time at Redbourn, where he had been put to death.

The bones of Amphibalus were removed from the locker in which they were kept, and placed in a new shrine adorned with gold and silver.

Gifts of gold and silver, considerable sums of money collected by a wandering preacher, who pretended to be Amphibalus, restored to life, were all consumed.