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Amparo is a Portuguese and Spanish word which means refuge or shelter (and in a broader sense, protection). It may refer to:

Usage examples of "amparo".

The girl reaches for the pack but Amparo pulls it back and holds it over her head as if away from a small child or dog.

As though struck by a sudden thought, a longforgotten memory, Amparo whirls on the girl.

Jaime, Amparo, and Felix were carrying sleeping bags and rifles on their shoulders.

Megan passed their bedroom, she heard Jaime and Amparo inside laughing.

Jaime and Amparo were standing near the bolted front door, whispering.

Megan turned to lie down, she saw Amparo staring at her from the far end of the clearing.

Ever since the incident at Vitoria, the men treated Amparo as an outcast, ignoring her most of the time and speaking to her only when necessary.

Megan, Jaime, Amparo, and Felix made their way down the crowded aisle to their reserved seats.

Jaime stayed close to Amparo, ready to grab her if she tried to make a move.

Jaime turned and saw Amparo standing in the doorway, a look of profound sorrow on her face.

When they began the journey, Jaime and Amparo and Felix were carrying sleeping-bags and rifles on their shoulders.

It was the first time she had really looked at Amparo Jiron in the daylight.

Megan and Amparo Jiron stood by as Jaime Miro and Felix Carpic huddled over a map.

As Megan passed their bedroom, she heard Jaime and Amparo inside laughing.

She hurried to the room where he and Amparo had slept and looked inside.