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The Collaborative International Dictionary
American Indian

American Indian \American Indian\ n. 1. a red-skinned member of a race of people living in North America when Europeans arrived.

Syn: Indian, native American, Amerindian, Red Indian

American Indian (disambiguation)

American Indian typically refers to Native Americans in the United States.

It may sometimes also refer to:

  • Indian Americans, an American person from the Republic of India
  • Americans in India, an Indian person from the United States of America
  • Indigenous peoples of the Americas, the indigenous peoples of the Americas

Usage examples of "american indian".

Crazy Horse was a typical Sioux brave, and from the point of view of our race an ideal hero, living at the height of the epical progress of the American Indian and maintaining in his own character all that was most subtle and ennobling of their spiritual life, and that has since been lost in the contact with a material civilization.

Most impressed, Emma would tell her school friends that her father was an authentic American Indian, from a fair-haired tribe.

Hillerman's books have won awards from the Navajos, the Centre for the American Indian, the American Anthropological Association, and the Department of the Interior.

I may not know what I think about Nixon or Agnew or Watergate, but at last I know what I think about the American Indian.

As far as biological prerequisites for apple domestication were concerned, North American Indian farmers were like Eurasian farmers, and North American wild apples were like Eurasian wild apples.

Helen Hunt Jackson, author of A Century of Dishonour, a champion of Indian rights, and a severe critic of American Indian, policy.

The Digger ethic of mass sharing goes along with the American Indian motif that is basic to the Hashbury scene.