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a. (abbreviation of American English) n. (abbreviation of America English)

Usage examples of "amer.".

There can be no question that the Australian Archipelago is simply the mountain-tops of a drowned continent, which once reached from India to South America.

I had made it a principle to maintain towards that sect the strictly equitable line of conduct which had been Trajan's in his better days: I had just reminded the provincial governors that the protection of the law extends to all citizens, and that defamers of Christians would be punished if they levelled accusations against that group without proof.

Gray, The Founding of Aelia Capitolina and the Chronology of the Jewish War under Hadrian, and New Light from Egypt on the Early Reign of Hadrian, Amer. Journ.

As widely travelled as the Emperor of whom she writes, she was born in Brussels of French parents and has lived in several countries of Europe, but is now an American citizen, making her home since 1950 on Mount Desert Island, Maine.

Take back the Concavity, shut down the fans, make us acknowledge the waste as fundamentally American waste.

Lace-Forché and Veals are in fact transcendent geniuses of a particularly complex right-time-and-place sort, and their appeals to an American ideology committed to the appearance of freedom almost unanalyzably compelling.

Triaminotetralin, a synthesized hallucinogen whose high transdermal bioavailability makes it a popular ingredient in the 'Happy Patches' so prevalent in the American West and Southwest of Subsidized Time Pharmochemical Quarterly 17, 18 (Spring, Year of the Trial-Size Dove Bar) provides a detailed account of the synthesis and transdermal physiochemistry of aminotetralins in general.

Heath Pearson, former tow-truck shareholder, now at Pepperdine, facing away from the camera, under Lung-light, running.

Freer in the bleachers at Brisbane in thongs and a tank-top, giving the camera a peace-sign.

Slams, because a singular disadvantage of attending a North American academy is that O.

The Moms for a while had video cameras installed so she could obsessively check whether Mrs.

The Stork put up with the cameras but the sense I get is that Tavis isn't going to be keen on being photorecorded in the bathroom or anyplace else, so maybe she's had to have other recourse.

Or even say a father who is extremely handy around the house and can fix anything, and has the son help him, but gets so engrossed in his projects (the father) that he never thinks to explain to the son how the projects actually get done, so that the son's "help" never advances past simply handing the father a specified wrench or getting him lemonade or Phillips-head screws until the day the father is crushed into aspic in a freak accident on the Jamaica Way and all opportunities for transgenerational instruction are forever lost, and the son never learns how to be a handy homeowner himself, and when things malfunction around his own one-room home he has to hire contemptuous filthy-nailed men to come fix them, and feels terribly inadequate (the son), not only because he is not handy but because this handiness seemed to him to have represented to his father everything that was independent and manly and non-Disabled in an American male.

The legless Quebecker Wheelchair Assassins, although legless and confined to wheelchairs, nevertheless contrive to have situated large reflective devices across odd-numbered United States highways for the purpose of disorienting and endangering northbound Americans, to have disrupted pipelines between processing points in the eastern Reconfiguration's annular fusion grid, have been linked to attempts at systemic damage of the federally contracted Empire Waste Displacement's launch and reception facilities on both sides of the Reconfigured intracontinental border, and, perhaps most infamously, derive their cell's own sobriquet in the vox populi "Wheelchair Assassins" from the active practice of assassinating prominent Cana dian officials who support or even tolerate what they the A.

Affiliations, sometimes purported, between the Root Cult core of Les Assassins on one hand and the more extreme and violently subversive of Quebec's Séparatisteur organizations the Fronte de la Liberation de la Quebec, the Fils de Montcalm, the ultra right anti-Reconfigurative vishnu of the Bloc Quebecois tend, however, to be contradicted by both stated agendas the conventional Separatist phalances demand ing only the independent secession of provincial Quebec and the elimination of Anglo- American cognates from public discourse, while the A.