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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ambulator \Am"bu*la`tor\, n.

  1. One who walks about; a walker.

  2. (Zo["o]l.)

    1. A beetle of the genus Lamia.

    2. A genus of birds, or one of this genus.

  3. An instrument for measuring distances; -- called also perambulator.


n. A walker

Usage examples of "ambulator".

The other robots led her through an almost unfamiliar entrance and into the mansion, and Erin froze, her ambulator locking.

Except for the possession of three sets of limbs-two ambulators, two medial heavy manipulators, and two more at neck level for eating and to perform more delicate work, rather than the Tarlan's three sets of four—and a cranium covered by thick, blue fur that continued in a narrow strip along the spine to the vestigial tail, the general physical characteristics were remarkably similar.