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Usage examples of "amblyrhynchus".

There is one small lizard belonging to a South American genus, and two species (and probably more) of the Amblyrhynchus -- a genus confined to the Galapagos Islands.

If this Amblyrhynchus is held and plagued with a stick, it will bite it very severely.

As I at first observed, these islands are not so remarkable for the number of the species of reptiles, as for that of the individuals, when we remember the well-beaten paths made by the thousands of huge tortoises -- the many turtles -- the great warrens of the terrestrial Amblyrhynchus -- and the groups of the marine species basking on the coast rocks of every island -- we must admit that there is no other quarter of the world where this Order replaces the herbivorous mammalia in so extraordinary a manner.

I have remarked that the marine Amblyrhynchus was larger at Albemarle Island than elsewhere.

It would appear that the birds of this archipelago, not having as yet learnt that man is a more dangerous animal than the tortoise or the Amblyrhynchus, disregard him, in the same manner as in England shy birds, such as magpies, disregard the cows and horses grazing in our fields.