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Usage examples of "amarilla".

Frentes muy bajas, dentaduras amarillas, bigotes ralos de mulato o de chino y belfos bestiales publicaban la degeneración de la estirpe olímpica.

Incredible as it seems, the raid on Tierra Amarilla represented neither a single act of banditry nor the spontaneous violence of a mob.

In Rio Arriba County, the huge Tierra Amarilla Land Grant was captured by buying rights from a single villager and then filing a patented title claiming the entire communal holdings.

The twenty-three-year-old preacher, now on his own, spent months on and around the Tierra Amarilla Land Grant trying to organize a religious sect and, as he remembers it, "talking to the old people and learning about what happened to their land.

On the Tierra Amarilla Land Grant the night skies were red with arson fires.

The opportunity would come Monday, when those arrested Friday night would be taken to the Tierra Amarilla courthouse for arraignment.

Hacia la medianoche, pisé, erizada de formas idolátricas en la arena amarilla, la negra sombra de sus muros.

En el último patio me crucé con un hombre desnudo, coronado de flores amarillas, a quien todos besaban y agasajaban, y con una espada en la mano.

Seis escuadrillas integraban la armada, bajo banderas de diverso color: la roja, la amarilla, la verde, la negra, la morada y la de la serpiente, que era de la nave capitana.

A la edad de diecisiete años, María Justina casó con el doctor Bernardo Jáuregui, que, aunque civil, se batió en Pavón y en Cepeda y murió en el ejercicio de su profesión durante la Fiebre Amarilla.