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Amabile may refer to:

  • John Amabile (disambiguation)
  • Sweetness of wine
  • The Amabile Choirs of London, Canada, a family of choirs in London, Ontario, Canada.

Usage examples of "amabile".

Lady Sunshine ran in her trim white spacecraft to Amabile, which was one of the playground worlds of men.

He was a pale shadow of the men of Amabile, but by the testimony of Lord and Lady Brain he was the best that Cromartie had to offer.

Even in her worst moments on Amabile or in her most discouraging moments of search, she had not been this helpless.

Da parte mia continuai a nutrirlo, e il capretto divenne così amabile, così tenero e affezionato, che da allora in poi entrò a far parte della mia cerchia familiare e non mi abbandonò più.