adv. (obsolete spelling of always English)
Usage examples of "alwayes".
This Gardener accustomed to drive me, every morning laded with hearbes to the next Village, and when he had sold his hearbes, hee would mount upon my backe and returne to the Garden, and while he digged the ground and watered the hearbes, and went about other businesse, I did nothing but repose my selfe with great ease, but when Winter approached with sharpe haile, raine and frosts, and I standing under a hedge side, was welnigh killed up with cold, and my master was so poore that he had no lodging for himselfe, much lesse had he any littor or place to cover me withall, for he himselfe alwayes lay under a little roofe shadowed with boughes.
There when the Elfin knight arriued was,The first and chiefest of the seuen, whose careWas guests to welcome, towardes him did pas:Where seeing Mercie, that his steps vp bare,And alwayes led, to her with reuerence rareHe humbly louted in meeke lowlinesse,And seemely welcome for her did prepare:For of their order she was Patronesse,Albe Charissa were their chiefest founderesse.
To Magrat Garlick I leave the Contentes elsewhere in this box, my silver tea service with the milk jug in the shape of a humorous cow what is an Heir Loom, also the Clocke what belonged to my mother, but I charge her alwayes to keep it wound, for when the clocke stops- There was a noise outside.
And therewithall he pulled out two thousand crownes, which he had under his coate, saying : Hold here the dowry which I present unto you, hold eke my person, which you shall alwayes find trusty and faithfull, if you willingly receive me: and I will ensure you that in so doing, within short space I wilt make and turne this stony house of yours into gold.
I don’t know, I haven’t had a wynke of sleep for two hundred years, some sodde alwayes bangs the bell.
I don't know, I haven't had a wynke of sleep for two hundred years, some sodde alwayes bangs the bell.