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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Alveolus \Al*ve"o*lus\ ([a^]l*v[=e]"[-o]*l[u^]s), n.; pl. Alveoli (-l[imac]). [L., a small hollow or cavity, dim. of alveus: cf. F. alv['e]ole. See Alveary.]

  1. A cell in a honeycomb.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) A small cavity in a coral, shell, or fossil

  3. (Anat.) A small depression, sac, or vesicle, as the socket of a tooth, the air cells of the lungs, the ultimate saccules of glands, etc. [1913 Webster] ||

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1706, from Latin alveolus "a tray, trough, basin; bed of a small river," diminutive of alvus "belly, stomach, paunch, bowels; hold of a ship," from PIE *aulo- "hole, cavity" (cognates: Greek aulos "tube, pipe," Old Church Slavonic uliji, Lithuanian aulys "beehive" (hollow trunk), Armenian yli "pregnant").


n. 1 A small cavity or pit. 2 (context anatomy English) an anatomical structure that has the form of a hollow cavity 3 (context anatomy English) a small air sac in the lungs, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged with the blood.

  1. n. a tiny sac for holding air in the lungs; formed by the terminal dilation of tiny air passageways [syn: air sac, air cell]

  2. a bony socket in the alveolar ridge that holds a tooth [syn: tooth socket]

  3. [also: alveoli (pl)]

Alveolus (disambiguation)

Alveolus (pl. alveoli, adj. alveolar) is a general anatomical term for a concave cavity or pit.

Alveolus may refer to:

In anatomy and zoology in general

  • Pulmonary alveolus, an air sac in the lungs
    • Alveolar cell or pneumocyte
    • Alveolar duct
    • Alveolar macrophage
  • Mammary alveolus, a milk sac in the mammary glands
  • Alveolar gland
  • Dental alveolus, also known as "tooth socket", a socket in the jaw that holds the roots of teeth
    • Alveolar ridge, the jaw structure that contains the dental alveoli
    • Alveolar canals
    • Alveolar process
  • arteries
    • Superior alveolar artery (disambiguation)
      • Anterior superior alveolar arteries
      • Posterior superior alveolar artery
    • Inferior alveolar artery
  • nerves
    • Anterior superior alveolar nerve
    • Middle superior alveolar nerve
    • Inferior alveolar nerve

In Botany, Microbiology, and related disciplines''' alveoli may be:

  • Surface cavities or pits, such as on the stem of Myrmecodia species
  • Pits on honeycombed surfaces such as receptacles of many angiosperms
  • Pits on the fruiting bodies of fungi such as Boletus or the ascocarps of fungi such as typical Ascomycetes
  • Pits on the valves of the tests of many diatoms

In medicine

  • Alveolar soft part sarcoma

In linguistics

  • Alveolar consonant, a linguistic vocalization depending upon touching tongue to alveolar ridge
  • Alveolar stop

Usage examples of "alveolus".

She stopped and looked in a side chapel where bronchioles narrowed to alveoli.

Then as the destruction of the bronchioles and alveoli of the lungs went on he retched and suffocated and coughed up blood and tissue.

The bronchial branches become many narrow bronchioles that end in ducts opening into the alveoli.

The image of my heart compressing to the flatness of a plate, my lungs exhaling first air, then blood, then bronchioles, alveoli snapping, my colon popping like a pea, such images tended to wipe out all thoughts of the hereafter with obsessions of the dangers in the here and now.

By the action of currents and eddies and by the rapid diffusion of gas particles, the air from the outside mixes with that in the alveoli and comes in contact with the membranous walls.

She stopped and looked in a side chapel where bronchioles narrowed to alveoli.

But we’ll also look inside the alveoli of his lungs, and the tiny capillaries of his fingertips.

The air came hot into his lungs, searing the delicate alveoli with every slow breath.

A little matter of all the alveoli in your lungs being ruptured by exposure to vacuum.

She grabbed the perch by the door bubble and paused to flow new alveoli into her lungs to make up for the oxygen-depleted, carbon-dioxide-enriched air mix in the greenhouse.

Since He could get into parts of the liver or kidneys where no mortal surgeon could ever reach, delve into the alveoli of the lungs and scrape out the cancer cell-by-goddamned-cell, He could not be allowed to exist.

Some of our people sometimes go slumming in the quaint little bronchioles over that way, but they run the risk of having some unsavory character jump out of a dark alveolus at them.

Puckered impurities in the avanc’s flesh that would suddenly and randomly dilate, open gaping pits, smooth-edged, pulsing tunnels into the interior of the carcass, lined with alveoli bigger than men.

The alveoli themselves, grape-like clusters of membrane on the lung wall, collapse because blood cannot get through the pulmonary artery.

It contained the nullfield generator, a thirty-hour supply of oxygen, and artificial alveoli that connected with her pulmonary circulation system.