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aluminium hydroxide

alt. (context inorganic compound English) The hydrated form of alumina, having the formula Al(OH)3; it reacts with bases to form aluminates. n. (context inorganic compound English) The hydrated form of alumina, having the formula Al(OH)3; it reacts with bases to form aluminates.

aluminium hydroxide

n. white crystalline compound that occurs naturally as the mineral gibbsite [syn: aluminum hydroxide, hydrated aluminum oxide, hydrated aluminium oxide]

Aluminium hydroxide

Aluminium hydroxide, Al(OH), is found in nature as the mineral gibbsite (also known as hydrargillite) and its three much rarer polymorphs: bayerite, doyleite and nordstrandite. Closely related are aluminium oxide hydroxide, AlO(OH), and aluminium oxide (or alumina), AlO. These compounds together are the major components of the aluminium ore bauxite.