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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Alternate \Al"ter*nate\ (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Alternated; p. pr. & vb. n. Alternating.] [L. alternatus, p. p. of alternare. See Altern.] To perform by turns, or in succession; to cause to succeed by turns; to interchange regularly.

The most high God, in all things appertaining unto this life, for sundry wise ends alternates the disposition of good and evil.


vb. (en-past of: alternate)

Usage examples of "alternated".

The guide in the faded green jumpsuit alternated fruit, biscuits, and tea.

Short shocks of rocket blasts alternated with nauseating weightlessness.

Traditional pictures of Jesus alternated with Chinese landscapes painstakingly done in silk embroidery using stitches so tiny that a single landscape represented a life's work for one woman, or decades of effort for several.

The result was a view that was gauzy and crystalline at once, as though she were watching through a window where etched glass alternated with clear in a random pattern.

The rechargeable batteries only lasted four hours if she used both lamps, eight hours if she alternated, but the light they gave was steady, strong, and clear.

Willow alternated between a headache and a lightheadedness that made her fear for her health.

Shoving, panting, Jessica alternated between shoulder and hands as she inched the stubborn trunk closer to the bedside table.

Then he alternated between a trot and a lope, eating up the miles without wearing down the horses.

The click of her heels over wood alternated with the muted hiss of leather soles on expensive oriental rugs.

He alternated the cheese and bread, but his stomach filled after only a few mouthfuls.

While my breath no longer resembled steam in the chill air, I alternated placing my ungloved hands under my tunic to warm them.

While I ate travel bread and dried apples, Gairloch alternated slurps of water from the not-quite-underground river with bites from the narrow stretch of grass nurtured by the spray from the fast-moving water.

Until close to sunset, when I finally found another brook and a semi-enclosed spot off the wizards' road, Tamra and I had alternated riding Gairloch, except that he got nasty if I didn't stay close by.

Hilltop pastures, grazed by cattle, alternated with patches of forest.

Squares of white potato blossom alternated with strips of scarlet-runner beans and gray-green-purple rows of cabbages.