Find the word definition

  1. 1 (context North America English) Arranged in alphabetical order. 2 (alternative spelling of alphabetised English) alt. 1 (context North America English) Arranged in alphabetical order. 2 (alternative spelling of alphabetised English) v

  2. 1 (context North America English) (en-past of: alphabetize) 2 (alternative spelling of alphabetised English)


adj. having been put in alphabetical order; "the cards are all alphabetized, as you requested" [syn: alphabetised]

Usage examples of "alphabetized".

But then, he told himself, a Cygnan would say the same thing about an alphabetized listing in a human dictionary.

If they choose that option their work is given prime placement by being exhibited in a giant open area just inside the entrance rather than in the narrower rows that are alphabetized by institution toward the rear of the display area.

She had a list of one hundred desserts, alphabetized in a recipe box, beginning with almond apples, moving to date pudding, on to nut brittle mousse (frozen) and ending with Zweiback pastry cheesecake.

It listed every file in the drawer by name, alphabetized, dated, cross-referenced.

He thought of the wild juxtapositions that any dictionary or alphabetized list will give, and tried the idea on his companions.

To Kane's relief, all the domes were alphabetized, but to his disgust, when he located the dome designated X, he had no idea of its location in relation to their posiĀ­tion.