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alpha waves

n. (alpha wave English)

Alpha Waves

Alpha Waves is an early 3D game that is combines labyrinthine exploration with platform gameplay. By most definitions of the genre it could be considered to be the first 3D platform game, released in 1990, 6 years before Super Mario 64. Alpha Waves was released one year before Hovertank 3D, which is sometimes incorrectly credited as being the first 3D game on the PC. It provided the first truly immersive 3D experience, combining for the first time full-screen, six-axis, flat-shaded 3D with 3D object interaction (like bouncing on a platform). Alpha Waves was an abstract game with a moody, artistic presentation, curiously named for its supposed ability to stimulate the different emotional centers of the brain with its use of color and music.

It was developed initially for the Atari ST by Christophe de Dinechin, and later ported to the Amiga and DOS. The DOS port was done by Frédérick Raynal, a notable game designer who would go on to develop Alone in the Dark (often abbreviated AitD), and Little Big Adventure. He has said that his work on Alpha Waves was a major inspiration for the 3D engine for Alone in the Dark. The PC version was also localized in North America by Data East, and retitled Continuum. Infogrames may have also published their own version in the US under the original title, and it was also released as a part of no less than two Infogrames compilations, on which it retained its original name.

Usage examples of "alpha waves".

Experiments reported in 1963 indicated that men kept in environments lacking sensory stimulation for two weeks showed progressively smaller alpha waves appearing in the EEG.

In addition to alpha waves, there are also beta waves, representing a faster cycle, from 14 to 50 per second, and a smaller fluctuation in potential.

Theres a distinctive spike in the alpha waves for people who cant hear the Trollsand the reverse, we think.

It feeds a 9-cycle alpha rhythm through appropriately placed electrodes, and within seconds the brain can accept that rhythm and begin producing alpha waves as steadily as a Zen Buddhist in trance.

Flat on the bed with my eyes shut, but the muscles wouldn't let go and I couldn't shift into alpha waves because there is no excuse, there is no conceivable excuse for putting off debriefing by your director in the field at any given time during the mission.

We're looking for alpha waves-the ones usually associated with psychic activity.

Safely back in her cubicle, she dialed up bay 22, bed 4 and saw the alert readings of the alpha waves.

No one, anywhere, was moving now, and in the great stillness my mind slowed to the rhythm of alpha waves, and three-dimensional reality began losing its definition, drawn into the shadows by the vast stillness here, by the heady fumes of the incense, the mesmerising glimmer of a hundred candle-flames and, above all, the presence of death.