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aloo gobi

n. A dry Indian dish made with potatoes, cauliflower, and spices.

Aloo gobi

Aloo gobi (आलू गोभी in Hindi, ) is a dry Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian and Nepali cuisine dish made with potatoes (aloo), cauliflower (gob(h)i) and Indian spices. It is yellowish in color, due to the use of turmeric, and occasionally contains kalonji and curry leaves. Other common ingredients include garlic, ginger, onion, coriander stalks, tomato, peas, and cumin. A number of variations and similar dishes exist, but the name remains the same.

Usage examples of "aloo gobi".

A friend of Pauline's saw him in town eating aloo gobi and pilau rice with a side order of brindal bhaji!