'Alondra ' is a Mexican telenovela produced by Carla Estrada for Televisa in 1995. The story based on Casandra created by Yolanda Vargas Dulché. For personal reasons Yolanda Vargas Dulché change the name of Casandra to Alondra in honor of his granddaughter Alondra de la Parra.
Ana Colchero, Ernesto Laguardia and Gonzalo Vega starred as protagonists, while Beatriz Sheridan starred as main antagonist. Verónica Merchant, Fernando Colunga, Mónica Sánchez, Ernesto Godoy, Joel Núñez, Juan Manuel Bernal and the leading actors Marga López, Eric del Castillo, Jorge Martínez de Hoyos, Beatriz Aguirre, Héctor Gómez, Amparo Arozamena, Blanca Torres, Queta Carrasco, Dina de Marco Guillermo Murray, Sergio Klainer and Queta Lavat starred as stellar performances.
Alondra is a feminine given name. It is a short form of Alejandra, the Spanish form of Alexandra and is also the Spanish word for " lark". It was the most popular name for girls born in Puerto Rico in 2009 and is the name of a popular Mexican singer Alondra.
The Alondra was a British steamer owned by Yeoward Bros. Ltd. out of Liverpool. It sank on December 29, 1916, in the North Atlantic after running aground at Kedge Rock in Baltimore, County Cork, Ireland. Seventeen men of the crew lost their lives while the remaining 23 were rescued.
Usage examples of "alondra".
Así, mientras el cuerpo cumplía su destino de cuerpo, en lupanares y tabernas de Londres, el alma que lo habitaba era César, que desoye la admonición del augur, y Julieta, que aborrece a la alondra, y Macbeth, que conversa en el páramo con las brujas que también son las parcas.