The Collaborative International Dictionary
Almonry \Al"mon*ry\ ([a^]l"m[u^]n*r[y^]), n.; pl. Almonries ([a^]l"m[u^]n*r[i^]z). [OF. aumosnerie, F. aum[^o]nerie, fr. OF. aumosnier. See Almoner.] The place where an almoner resides, or where alms are distributed.
n. A building in which alms were distributed
An almonry (Lat. eleemosynarium, Fr. aumĂ´nerie, Ger. Almosenhaus) is the place or chamber where alms were distributed to the poor in churches or other ecclesiastical buildings.
At Bishopstone church, Wiltshire, it is a sort of covered porch attached to the south transept, but not communicating with the interior of the church. At Worcester Cathedral the alms are said to have been distributed on stone tables, on each side, within the great porch. In large monastic establishments, as at Westminster Abbey, it seems to have been a separate building of some importance, either joining the gatehouse or near it, that the establishment might be disturbed as little as possible.
Usage examples of "almonry".
That is not very amusing, but we expect a Carmelite from Paris who will do the duty of our almonry, and who, we are assured, speaks very well, which will keep us awake, whereas our present almoner always sends us to sleep.
Life of Caxton, the reader will find interesting examples of the earliest woodcut blocks illustrating the quaint and rare tomes issued by the Almonry, Westminster, also at Oxford.
Within a minute or two we had gained Tothill-street, crossed it and dived down the lane opposite into the ancient and now infamous Almonry and then made our way through the back-courts into Orchard-street.
Just outside that main gate was the almonry where alms and food were given to the poor.
But less than three hours later, Tom was back at the Rose and Crown with information that an Italian painter by the name of Giorgio Donatelli could be found at Number Thirty-two, Almonry Terrace, Westminster.
Sighing with relief, she sat on a bench by the almonry and watched Jenny romp with a kitten.
Men of influence as they are, they rain about them, upon their families and favourites, and upon all of these young men who please them, fat parishes, livings, archdeaconates, almonries, and cathedral functions—steps towards episcopal dignities.