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Almac is a contract research organization based in the United Kingdom. Headquartered in Craigavon, Northern Ireland, the company employs about 3,300 in the United Kingdom and United States. The company provides integrated drug development services, research, manufacturing, to about 600 clients. Almac's research targets five main branches: diagnostics, sciences, clinical services, clinical technologies and pharmaceutical services. It was founded in 1968 as Galen by the late Sir Allen McClay.

Almac is involved in joint efforts with a couple of companies. It formed a deal with Hewlett-Packard (HP), investing in the company's test applications software, which will help shorten the time that a drug spends in clinical trials.

Almac (automobile)

Almac is a New Zealand based kit car company founded in 1984 and located in Upper Hutt. Almac cars is a part of Almac Reinforced Plastics Ltd fibreglass product manufacturing a company founded in 1971 by Alex McDonald. McDonald's interest in kit cars started while he was living in England, having purchased a Jem Marsh Sirocco. Jem Marsh founded the Marcos car company.