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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Alluring \Al*lur"ing\, a. That allures; attracting; charming; tempting. -- Al*lur"ing*ly, adv. -- Al*lur"ing*ness, n.


adv. In an alluring manner.

Usage examples of "alluringly".

The Sakkara step-pyramid, which marks the evolution of the low mastaba into the true pyramid, showed clearly and alluringly in the sandy distance.

It was clear now that Perella was in fact clad alluringly we could glimpse white leather trunks and breast-band under sheer veils of Coan silk.

It was clear now that Perella was in fact clad alluringly we could glimpse white leather trunks and breast-band under sheer veils of Coan silk.

He must have an alluringly colored elysium to reward his obedient disciples.

The Sakkara step-pyramid, which marks the evolution of the low mastaba into the true pyramid, showed clearly and alluringly in the sandy distance.

But above and beyond all this there soars that beautiful ideal of an ultimate and universal peace, which, from the time of Isaiah onward, has played so alluringly through all the leading war mythologies of the West.

Mad with desire for the woman, his senses irritated and excited, the ultimate gratification of his passion held alluringly before him, the honest soldier consented to play the cowardly ruffian.

I picked up a large wooden spoon and waggled it alluringly toward Jem, who was oscillating back-ward and forward on his hands and knees, emitting horrible whining noises.