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allowed for

See allow for

Usage examples of "allowed for".

The sluggish communications systems of both warring life-forms had been greatly to the advantage of Solarians, but now time must be allowed for those same primitive systems to deliver applicable data to Markhamwit and Glastrom.

The explosion had also ruptured a trim tank, causing more negative buoyancy than they had at first allowed for.

We have allowed for the possibility that the captain could disarm them.

Evidently they both regarded her as a semi-invalid to be cared for gently, with any upsets allowed for and tolerated.

They allowed for the use of strength and let the techniques be a little less than perfect.

The Hesseks' careless advance, which allowed for the water-gangs with their buckets, had saved the rest, coupled with the sluggish wind and the dawn rain.

The rolling metal rig was black, about the size of a double-wide utility sink, with a pulley and chain that allowed for the raising and lowering of a rack.

In the midst of this chopping sea of civilized life, such are the clouds and storms and quicksands and thousand-and-one items to be allowed for, that a man has to live, if he would not founder and go to the bottom and not make his port at all, by dead reckoning, and he must be a great calculator indeed who succeeds.

It grew until it ate all the time and space allowed for both stories.

The French and the Spanished placed severe restrictions on Voodoo practice as well as the limited freedoms allowed for slaves in Colonial New Orleans.

Inventing this form of agriculture, or husbandry, or industry, allowed for a tremendous population explosion, as the little red people had just taken a step up the food chain, by exploiting the level of life just below theirs.

The most expensive thing about a spaceship was the room allowed for freight so all equipment had to be sent across space disassembled and nested.

Yet its designers had allowed for the remote possibility that it might not be received by its intended addressees.

All these raptured voyages of exploration were made in the odd half hours which she was allowed for play, and Anne talked Matthew and Marilla halfdeaf over her discoveries.

It was as though time were being allowed for the giving and receiving of a few of those thirty kisses.