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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Alliterative \Al*lit"er*a*tive\ (?; 277), a. Pertaining to, or characterized by, alliteration; as, alliterative poetry. -- Al*lit"er*a*tive*ly, adv. -- Al*lit"er*a*tive*ness, n.


adv. In an alliterative manner.


adv. in an alliterative manner; "the early Norse poets wrote alliteratively"

Usage examples of "alliteratively".

There was another pair of doors on the landing, over which a notice was fixed which read alliteratively ANNIE ANDERSON'S AEROBOTICS ATELIER.

Then he had become Sol the Sword, not suspecting what his alliteratively chosen name would bring him to.

Every so often, all the headlines he'd ever composed would scroll through his consciousness one after another, like a demonic Dow Jones ticker, causing Sinclair to yodel alliteratively.