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alligator clip

n. (context electronics English) A spring-loaded metal clip, usually attached to a wire and used to make temporary connections.

alligator clip

n. a clip with a spring that closes the metal jaws [syn: bulldog clip]

Usage examples of "alligator clip".

His fingers picked through the nest of wires, cut one, to which he attached one alligator clip.

Then he stripped the insulation off the middle of another wire and attached the other alligator clip to it.

Then he took an alligator clip out of his pocket and went on smoking it even after it got too small to hold between his fingers.

She mixed the powder in water, as Robbie'd said he'd do, and then, after using an alligator clip to clamp the line to the feeding tube in Rainey's stomach, Evon poured the solution into the clear plastic bag on top of the IV stand.

The man put the telephone down, and then reached into his desk and came out with a clipboard and a small plastic card affixed to an alligator clip.

The corporal inserted a card in his machine, and there was a grinding noise, then another small card came out of a slot all neatly laminated and with an alligator clip on the back.

A white card in a narrow platinum holder with a jeweled alligator clip popped from a slot.

An insulated copper line from that led up to an alligator clip attached to one of the telephone wires.