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n. (plural of allegation English)

Usage examples of "allegations".

I heard about the allegations against the clinic, I called the rabbi who hired him, just in case.

Whoever killed Chelsea and Matthew probably leaked these false allegations to create a smoke screen and cover up the real motive for the killings.

First these allegations about embryo switching, then you call about donor eggs!

Sam and the others, but Edmond had told her the board was considering suspending the licenses of all the staff doctors until the allegations were cleared.

You will never have had the opportunity to have these allegations resolved.

But what you have to do is to categorically deny the allegations of the witnesses against you.

But as a practical matter, allegations of wrongdoing are given more weight than denials of wrongdoing.

Now that the Sepe-squid allegations are public, some defendants will assume the worst about the justice system.

As is often the case with rape, no eyewitnesses were present for the actual rape, but as far as rape allegations ever go, Broaddrick was, at the very least, an extremely credible witness.

All that anyone can remember is that some Republican had to extricate himself from a morass of allegations portraying him as some sort of legal malefactor.

Nicole recanted her allegations the following year, and all charges against her father were dropped.

McMullen made allegations about imrhat happened at My Nuc to your newspaper?

We now 464 465 know that he made more direct allegations, in the same period, immediately after his breakdown, first to Senator Melville then to two American newspapers.

He must have believed that, with McMullen dead, the rest of the lies and allegations could be quickly cleared up - that was why he had felt able to speak to her as openly as he did.

Even before all this, Gini, when Sam was here and he and John explained all those allegations, McMullen had been making it was so desperately perverse.