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a. Having knowledge of all things said or done.

Usage examples of "all-seeing".

It was as though those who had insisted on the derivation of all forms of the steam-engine from the common kettle, and who saw that this stands in much the same relations to the engines, we will say, of the Great Eastern steamship as the amœba to man, were to declare that the Great Eastern engines were not designed at all, on the ground that no one in the early kettle days had foreseen so great a future development, and were unable to understand that a piecemeal solvitur ambulando design is more omnipresent, all-seeing, and all-searching, and hence more truly in the strictest sense design, than any speculative leap of fancy, however bold and even at times successful.

In the hands of a powerful Sorcerer, the jewel acts as an all-seeing eye.

He, the all-seeing eye, aloof in super-space, was aware of movement, as if he were drawn back by some subtle thread of magnetism into the dungeon of time and space from which he had momentarily departed.

Perhaps this idea has already been formulated for me by my intuition, my subconscious mind--that all-seeing eye.

Then turning to the radar scanner, the all-seeing eye of the ship, he began a slow, deliberate tracking of each circuit in the maze of wiring.

In addition, the all-seeing eye of the camera is called into requisition.

Above floats the symbol of the esoteric orders, the radiant triangle with its all-seeing eye .

God had passed by, and God had seen that tenantless garment of flesh she had cast off to swim in the ether, and God had known her whole scheme in one flash of His all-seeing eye.

He raised his hand, bearing the gauntlet marked with the all-seeing eye of Helm.

So might Lucifer, the shining child of the morning, have appeared to the all-seeing Eye that observed in the shadowing of that angelic face the dread forecast of his inevitable fall from grace.

But Priam and Idaeus as they showed out upon the plain did not escape the ken of all-seeing Jove, who looked down upon the old man and pitied him.

Battalion was in constant touch with HQC-1's all-seeing, automated command surveillance system.

The Blue Voice would confer telepathically with his master on the morrow, when fresh intelligence would have been vouchsafed by the all-seeing ice-mirror.