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n. (plural of alienation English)

Usage examples of "alienations".

For example, many theorists, looking with justifiable alarm at the repressions and alienations that often accompanied the Machine Age, maintain that we should never have gone past farming, and there then follows a lovely and wonderful eulogizing of the glories of the "non-mechanized" and "nondehumanizing" agrarian societies, where few humans were alienated from the products of their own labor and the "Great Mother" ruled in peaceful and holistic happiness.

Events of every description, changes, alienations, removals--all, all must be comprised in it, and oblivion of the past-- how natural, how certain too!

It was, anyhow, owing to successive alienations of this kind that on 13th May 1796 the editor of the Watchman was compelled to bid farewell to his few remaining readers in the tenth number of his periodical, for the "short and satisfactory" reason that "the work does not pay its expenses.

Each of those dissociations and alienationsof the transpersonal, the interpersonal, and the prepersonalwould severely curtail its cherished freedom.