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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Algate \Al"gate\, Algates \Al"gates\, adv. [All + gate way. The s is an adverbial ending. See Gate.]

  1. Always; wholly; everywhere. [Obs.]

    Ulna now he algates must forego.

    Note: Still used in the north of England in the sense of ``everywhere.''

  2. By any or means; at all events. [Obs.]

  3. Notwithstanding; yet. [Obs.]


adv. (alternative form of algate English)

Usage examples of "algates".

Luna her husband on an ev'ning late Empoison'd had, for that she was his foe: Lucia liquorish lov'd her husband so, That, for he should always upon her think, She gave him such a manner* love-drink, *sort of That he was dead before it were the morrow: And thus algates* husbands hadde sorrow.

For albeit so that all tarrying be annoying, algates [nevertheless] it is no reproof [subject for reproach] in giving of judgement, nor in vengeance taking, when it is sufficient and, reasonable.

And therefore, although there be difference betwixt these two causes of drenching, algates [in any case] the ship is dreint [sunk].