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Aleiodes (Greek "not", "smooth", "appearance") is a genus of the family Braconidae of parasitoid wasps described by Constantin Wesmael in 1838. They are also known as mummy-wasps. The female feeds on the caterpillars of various species, including many pests such as Gypsy moths and tent caterpillars, and then deposits eggs and wraps the prey in a “mummy”. The larva and pupa feed on the caterpillar, and the adult breaks out, leaving the wrapping behind.

There are thousands of species, including these:

  • Aleiodes cacuangoi named after Dolores Cacuango
  • Aleiodes colberti named after Stephen Colbert
  • Aleiodes coxalis
  • Aleiodes elleni named after Ellen DeGeneres
  • Aleiodes falloni named after Jimmy Fallon
  • Aleiodes frosti named after Robert Frost (American poet)
  • Aleiodes gaga named after Lady Gaga
  • Aleiodes heterogaster type species of genus
  • Aleiodes kingmani named after Eduardo Kingman''
  • Aleiodes shakirae named after Shakira (Colombian singer)
  • Aleiodes stewarti named after Jon Stewart (American comedian)
  • Aleiodes tashimai