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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Albino \Al*bi"no\ (?; 277), n.; pl. Albinos. [Sp. or Pg. albino, orig. whitish, fr. albo white, L. albus.] A person, whether negro, Indian, or white, in whom by some defect of organization the substance which gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes is deficient or in a morbid state. An albino has a skin of a milky hue, with hair of the same color, and eyes with deep red pupil and pink or blue iris. The term is also used of the lower animals, as white mice, elephants, etc.; and of plants in a whitish condition from the absence of chlorophyll.
--Amer. Cyc.

Note: The term was originally applied by the Portuguese to negroes met with on the coast of Africa, who were mottled with white spots.


n. (plural of albino English)

Usage examples of "albinos".

There were stunted midgets like Minikin and freakish giants like Trog, milk-skinned albinos and dwarves with heads too large for their diminutive bodies.

Thorby had seen hexadactyls, hirsutes, albinos, lupine ears, giants, and other changes.

But the sporadic birth of children with white skins (albinos) among black or copper-colored races that have had no intercourse with white people, and the occurrence of light hair and blue eyes among the native races of America and of New Guinea, are facts so well attested that no theory of amalgamation can be sustained by such rare physical manifestations.

Unnatural births such as breech presentations, other abnormalities, twins, albinos, etc.

Certainly Albinos, who seemed to have rabbits' eyes by day, had cats' eyes at night: everybody knew that!

But, it being summer, mature men were scarcer than albinos at high noon, and twice as conspicuous.

His eyes were the palest of cornflower blue, yet without being weak and watery as those of most albinos.

They were tall and willowy, albinos with milk-white skin and hair and bloodred eyes.

Most of the mistakes died young, but you've noticed the high incidence of albinos among the younger people here?