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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Albigenses \Al`bi*gen"ses\, ||Albigeois \Al`bi`geois"\, n. pl. [From Albi and Albigeois, a town and its district in the south of France, in which the sect abounded.] (Eccl. Hist.) A sect of reformers opposed to the church of Rome in the 12th centuries.

Note: The Albigenses were a branch of the Catharists (the pure). They were exterminated by crusades and the Inquisition. They were distinct from the Waldenses.


n. (context historical English) A member of the Albigenses.

Usage examples of "albigeois".

It was in the country of the Albigeois, ^30 in the southern provinces of France, that the Paulicians were most deeply implanted.

The visible assemblies of the Paulicians, or Albigeois, were extirpated by fire and sword.

The failure may in some measure be ascribed to the abuse and multiplication of the crusades, which were preached at the same time against the Pagans of Livonia, the Moors of Spain, the Albigeois of France, and the kings of Sicily of the Imperial family.

His reputation was fair, his possessions were ample, and in the bloody crusade against the Albigeois, the soldiers and the priests had been abundantly satisfied of his zeal and valor.

It was in the country of the Albigeois, ^30 in the southern provinces of France, that the Paulicians were most deeply implanted.

The visible assemblies of the Paulicians, or Albigeois, were extirpated by fire and sword.

The failure may in some measure be ascribed to the abuse and multiplication of the crusades, which were preached at the same time against the Pagans of Livonia, the Moors of Spain, the Albigeois of France, and the kings of Sicily of the Imperial family.

His reputation was fair, his possessions were ample, and in the bloody crusade against the Albigeois, the soldiers and the priests had been abundantly satisfied of his zeal and valor.