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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Alabaman \Alabaman\ prop. n. A native or resident of Alabama.

Syn: Alabamian


a. Alabamian n. Alabamian.

Usage examples of "alabaman".

Any Louisianan or Alabaman who got in their way would get dealt with, to be sure.

Southern Baptist Alabamans, branched out to the predominantly black neighborhood of Fort Greene, Brooklyn.

Not like America, where spavined Alabaman must mingle with Virginian nabob, where tormented Lithuanian must extend his hand to the seven-foot Cape Codder with those true-blue eyes.

The Alabamans put up a bit of a fight before—very wisely—sidling out of the way and scrambling upriver for the shelter of the regulars.

Taylor had been told by Major Totten that the Lallemand brothers had joined Crittenden’s expedition, along with what was left of their French troops and some Alabamans they’d recruited.