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alabama rot

n. A (l en vasculopathy) caused by (l mul Escherichia coli E. coli) that affects (l en greyhound greyhounds).

Alabama rot

Alabama rot or idiopathic cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV) is a condition, often fatal, in dogs, first identified in the USA in the 1980s. It is believed to be caused by toxins produced by bacteria such as Escherichia coli (commonly known as E. coli) - this has little if any clinical evidence base, the citation is written by a greyhound interest group founder and not backed up by any current scientific evidence - pure speculation at best. The initial symptoms are skin lesions on the legs, chest and abdomen, with eventual renal failure in about 25% of cases. It was first noted in greyhounds in the US.

In November 2012 the first cases were identified in the UK. In January 2014, the outbreak in England was identified as having the same or similar cause as Alabama rot, although a wide range of breeds were affected. The disease has continued to spread across England, with a case being reported as far north as North Yorkshire in March 2015. A UK map posted online shows confirmed (with post mortem) and unconfirmed (without post mortem) cases of Alabama rot since December 2012.