Al-Thawra (, means "The Revolution") is an experimental crust punk / Taqwacore band from Chicago, Illinois. Current members are Marwan Kamel ( guitar, vocals, and various Middle Eastern instruments), Micah Bezold ( drums, percussion, guitar), and Mario Salazar ( Bass).
Marwan Kamel once quoted Cesar Chavez, saying that "Revolution starts with one person at a time, talking to each other" hence the name Al Thawra.
Al-Thawra, also referred to as Ath-Thawra, ( Arabic: الثورة The Revolution) is an Arabic language newspaper published by the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party of Syria. Another newspaper with the same name was published by the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party of Iraq but was disbanded during the invasion of Iraq in 2003 by the UK and the USA armies.
Al-Thawra ( Arabic: الثورة The Revolution) is a Yemeni newspaper. It was founded on 29 September 1962, and celebrated its golden jubilee in 2012.
The paper has a pro-government stance and is based in Sana'a.
Al-Thawra (, 'The Revolution') was a daily newspaper published from Tripoli, Libya. It was founded on October 20, 1969. The newspaper replaced three earlier official publications; Al-Alam, Al-Umma and Al-Bilad. Al-Thawra was the organ of the governing Arab Socialist Union. In January 1970 a decree was made restricting government advertisements to be published only in Al-Thawra, a move curtailing the incomes for the private-owned press in the country. Al-Thawra was shut down in January 1972, and was replaced by al-Fajr al-Jadid ('The New Dawn').