Abu Ishaq al-Shatibi (720-790 A.H./1320/1388 A.D.) was an Andalusian Sunni Islamic legal scholar following the Maliki madhab. He died in 1388 in Granada. Imam Shatibi's full name was "Ibrahim bin Mosa bin Muhammad al-Shatibi al-Gharnati". His family descended was from the Banu Lakhm. His Kuniyat was "Abu Ishaq", and his surnames were "Al-Lakhmi", "Al-Gharnati", "Al-Maliki" and "As-Shatibi". The date and place of his birth are unknown. However, one of his surnames, "As-Shatibi", points to the city Xàtiva, which indicates that he was a descendant of migrants from that town.