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Al-Ashrafiyya was a Palestinian Arab village in the District of Baysan. It was depopulated during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine. It was located 4.5 km southwest of Baysan.

The village was depopulated on May 12, 1948 during Operation Gideon. The village was completely destroyed and the inhabitants fled to Jordan.

According to a 1945 land ownership census the Land Ownership (Dunums) was as follows:

  • Arab 4,608
  • Jewish 1,293
  • Public 810
  • Total 6,711

The Arab population of the village was mainly occupied in cereal farming. The population in 1922 was 136, rising to 267 in 1948 with 61 houses. The Wadi al-Maddu' runs near where the village was located.

According to the Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi, today, "The site and the area around it are cultivated by the residents of Reshafim. A fishery also has been built on the site."