Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
alternative Latin alphabet transliteration of Arabic al Qaida (q.v.).
Usage examples of "al qaeda".
And the idea of saying, there's 331 al Qaeda-type killers lurking, to the point where they made a list, would have been a - just wasn't necessary.
Either the Taliban and al Qaeda fighters are not covered by the Geneva Convention or they are but still do not qualify for prisoner-of-war status.
Ralston would tell him what was happening a few minutes before our missiles invaded Pakistani airspace, too late to alert the Taliban or al Qaeda, but in time to avoid having them shot down or sparking a counterattack on India.
Because I've got a target I need to intercept to find out where Al Qaeda has dropped some nasty shit off the Florida coast.
Particularly since the embassy bombings in 1998, I had been focused intently on bin Laden and his al Qaeda supporters.
We had rolled up a score of al Qaeda cells, captured terrorist operatives, broken up plots against us, and continued to urge Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to press Afghanistan give bin Laden up.
We all thought it was the work of bin Laden and al Qaeda, but we couldn’.
In 2001 through 2003, in addition to the clear need for retribution for the terrible attacks on America of September 11, 2001, the message of Usama bin Laden, one of uniting Islam and doing it with terror, had been the compelling strategic reason for stopping him and his Al Qaeda.
I discussed the attacks that Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda had planned for the millennium, which were thwarted through hard work and domestic and international cooperation.
You and your fellow traitors would rain fire down upon our heads, just like the Al Qaeda brought to Afghanistan!