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The realm known as Akudim/Olam Ha'Akudim (World of "Binding/Ringed") is one of the many spiritual worlds described by Kabbalah as being part of the order of development that God utilized to create the physical world. Its significance emerges in Lurianic Kabbalah, as a stage in the process of Tohu and Tikun.

Akudim (עֲקוּדִים in Hebrew) is the first world to result from Adam Kadmon ("Primordial Man"). Sfirot (Heavenly Attributes, depicted as lights) emanating from the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and forehead of Adam Kadmon interact with each other to create three sequential "worlds" containing combinations of fundamental heavenly attributes: Akudim, Nekudim and Berudim. Luria read these three terms from the esoteric meaning of Jacob's breeding of Laban's flocks in Genesis 30:27-43. The world of Akudim corresponds to Hiyuli (הִיּוּלִי, meaning "Potential" Creation). These three stages then interact to produce more "worlds" of increasing developmental complexity. The concepts of primordial man and his body are figurative rather than literal.