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  1. Equipped with and climate-controlled by air-conditioning. v

  2. (en-pastair-condition)


adj. cooled by air conditioning

Usage examples of "air-conditioned".

Soon the women found themselves in a plainly decorated, air-conditioned room with a city view that included a portion of the Brisbane River.

In the air-conditioned comfort of the Amtrak Levitrain, he was fast asleep and dreaming of books that sang to their readers.

Though the air-conditioned, dehumidified hostels beckoned, he resolutely ignored their civilized blandishments.

Then forty-five minutes (renegotiated to an hour) feeding quarters into video games of exuberant violence, followed by ice cream cones from a vendor apparently dressed as a pimp, a stop at the batting cage for Cammie, who was already wondering why there were no girls on major league baseball teams, and a peek inside the big top to see if the killer klowns, Cammie's favorites, had been loosed yet upon an unsuspecting audience, but just past the entrance, lounging inside a cage air-conditioned so, the sign said, he would not get mad and break the bars, was a large male gorilla Bas took one look at and began to cry, a sign it was time to go.

When Jack collected the compact air-conditioned yellow Toyota from the Hertz agency, the young Hispanic said, ‘You’ll find four complimentary bottles of Calistoga Water under the passenger seat.

Take your choice according to the season, and expect your engines and drive trains to wear out in a fraction of the time that seemed reasonable in an air-conditioned office in Capetown.

The air-conditioned coolness was such a shocking contrast to the searing heat outside that goose bumps rose on her flesh, and she shivered.

And there were, finally, several personnel trailers, long-bodied enclosures sealed so completely from the outside, air-conditioned and humidity-controlled so carefully that they were literally spacecraft on wheels to sustain their internal environment.

After about twenty minutes the correspondents slowly packed away their equipment and returned to the air-conditioned comfort of their trailers and motor homes.

Not that she wouldn’t be glad to be home, back with family and friends and such niceties as an air-conditioned supermarket.

Sometimes Briggs wished for one of the enlisted and non-commissioned officers' rooms, which were nice, modern, air-conditioned dormitory-style brick buildings.

On a warm breezy morning in late April, twelve Japanese men and women stepped from an air-conditioned charter bus that had parked on the shoulder of a two-lane road in North Key Largo.

The open houses clearly could not be air-conditioned, and wherever their power station and solar collectors were located, Kemal certainly couldn't see them.

Here's what I remember about the ceremony: I sat with my arms folded tightly across my chest, trying to keep warm in the overenthusiastically air-conditioned church.

The Parfumerie Devalier never had been air-conditioned, however, and unless it lifted from its current economic slump, it probably never would be.