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vb. To mechanically cool a space or an entire structure.

  1. v. control the humidity and temperature of; "The room was cool because it had been air-conditioned"

  2. equip with an apparatus for controlling the humidity and temperature; "Our house is not air-conditioned"

Usage examples of "air-condition".

Not only did they precede us by more than two hundred million years, but termites had air-conditioning before we had houses and wasps could paralyse their prey before we had anaesthesia.

In the offices of Belvedere Post-Production the air-conditioning was off.

Conversations were shouted, air-conditioning was a steady buzz, cybofax alarm bleepers were going off continuously, the PA kept up a steady stream of directions.

Soon the women found themselves in a plainly decorated, air-conditioned room with a city view that included a portion of the Brisbane River.

The thin oil thai coated each vital component, the enamel and metal tapes were warm enough to aromatize the air as, fast as the air-conditioning changed it.

In the air-conditioned comfort of the Amtrak Levitrain, he was fast asleep and dreaming of books that sang to their readers.

There was a coalbin, a grimy-looking, cobwebbed furnace, and an air-conditioning unit that looked brand new.

The view, though somewhat curtailed by an expanse of tarred roof studded with air-conditioning ducts, justified the name of Far View.

Though the air-conditioned, dehumidified hostels beckoned, he resolutely ignored their civilized blandishments.

Nowadays we have modern air-conditioning equipment—ducts, pumps, fans, dehumidifiers, even carbon dioxide scrubbers.

It was surprisingly cool and dry within, clearly due to the silent exertions of artfully concealed air-conditioning and dehumidifying appliances.

The air-conditioning set-up had been switched off by the defenders of Arriba, so that it was very cold in the room.

He focuses on his big, unhealthy self in the mirror, sweat rolling down his face, and it occurs to him that Benton turned off the air-conditioning in the living room when he and Benton were arguing.

A complete air-conditioning plant, with its liquid-oxygen tanks, humidity and carbon-dioxide absorbers, temperature and pressure regulators, had to be dismantled and loaded on to a sledge.

Then forty-five minutes (renegotiated to an hour) feeding quarters into video games of exuberant violence, followed by ice cream cones from a vendor apparently dressed as a pimp, a stop at the batting cage for Cammie, who was already wondering why there were no girls on major league baseball teams, and a peek inside the big top to see if the killer klowns, Cammie's favorites, had been loosed yet upon an unsuspecting audience, but just past the entrance, lounging inside a cage air-conditioned so, the sign said, he would not get mad and break the bars, was a large male gorilla Bas took one look at and began to cry, a sign it was time to go.