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air transportation

n. transportation by air [syn: air transport]

Usage examples of "air transportation".

At the train's last stop, he had tried, by long-distance telephone, to find air transportation to complete their journey.

They don't like air transportation, or mechanized ground transport, or computers, satellites, or any of a very large variety of our weapons.

Stonebraker was known in Air Corps circles as a salty, hard-shelled genius with the speciality of air transportation.

Proceed best available air transportation to BuPers Washington for reassignment.

My men will apprehend her before she can obtain air transportation or a boat.

They had shuttlecraft capable of traveling between the four planets, if need be, and ground and air transportation for their own work, but nothing interstellar.

You will proceed at the earliest possible time by air transportation to Headquarters, U.

As Major Almond had warned, there were a lot of people in California with an AAA priority waiting for air transportation to Hawaii.

No, he'd been told, unfortunately air transportation wasn't available.

Travel by personal automobile and/or by military and civilian motor, rail, ship, and air transportation was authorized.

Since we saw that the beetlebacks possess no means of ground or air transportation, I am led to another conjecture which I see no way to confirm.

They had shuttlecraft capable of traveling between the planets if necessary and ground and air transportation to carry on their own work, but nothing interstellar.

They hit land and air transportation all over the world, but ships still had a decent chance of getting through.