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air terminal

n. the facility on an airfield or airport where aircraft are loaded and unloaded of passengers or freight

air terminal

n. a terminal that serves air travelers or air freight [syn: airport terminal]

Usage examples of "air terminal".

Claiming he had an engine malfunction, Vincenti had landed all the way back at Fresno Air Terminal instead of at Beale Air Force Base, as he had been directed to do.

He was willing to gamble that even if Hyadean military police were checking the air terminal, the alert would not involve every guard and gate sentry in the area, and that his papers would get him in.

They parted in the air terminal at Victoria, with one last lingering kiss, and Jan went to his apartment.

At the commercial air terminal he watched a man ride up on a motorbike and climb to the control tower.

The road was crowded with trucks carrying cargo from the seaports and air terminal, but the traffic was moving fast.

The Israeli paras performed brilliantly, but even there, two of the over one hundred hostages were killed and seven wounded during the fierce firefight in the air terminal building between Israeli troops and the PFLP terrorists.

If we don't have a business jet standing by with FBI pilots, and I'm sure we don't, call the Million Air terminal and beg for help.

To make a successful hit in a public place like an air terminal, you had to have at least two men: one to do the shooting and one to either cause a distraction or drive the getaway car.

From There, The Team Would Be Flown By C-130 To The Marine Air Terminal At New.