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air cushion vehicle

n. (alternative form of air-cushion vehicle English)

Usage examples of "air cushion vehicle".

When you're driving that air cushion vehicle of yours, you're gonna have to find out if you're susceptible.

There is probably a hundred-knot Navy ACV (Air Cushion Vehicle) skating around somewhere with an old Polaris hidden in her guts, working out the details of a post-Trident weapon delivery system.

You could hide a battleship, much less an air cushion vehicle, among the dense vegetation of the Braids.

An air cushion vehicle squatted behind a stone planter, covering the entrance with an automatic impeller in a small turret.

It was so smooth that he thought for a moment that Kelburney was in an aircar or at least an air cushion vehicle, but the forehull bobbled repeatedly into the bottom of the frame.

The coxswain gunned the craft's engines and the skirts inflated, lifting the air cushion vehicle clear of the beach in a storm of wind-blown sand and spray.