Aikāne relationships in Hawaii or homosexual or bisexual activity in the pre-colonial era, was an accepted tradition and is one of the best examples of a heterosexual community accepting the practice. These relationships are accepted as part of the history of ancient Hawaiian culture. The sexual relationship may begin in the teens and continue throughout the lives of the men, even though they maintain heterosexual partners. The Hawaiian aikane relationship is well known to have been a part of Hawaiian noble life, including that of Kamehameha. Some myths refer to women's desires and therefore believed that some women may have been involved in aikane relationships as well.
In regard to the aikāne relationship, Lieutenant James King stated that "all the chiefs had them" and recounts a tale that Captain Cook was actually asked by one chief to leave King behind, considering such offer a great honor. A number of Cook's crew related tales of the tradition with great disdain. American adventurer and sailor, John Ledyard commented in detail about the tradition as he perceived it. The relationships were official and in no way hidden. The sexual relationship was considered natural by the Hawaiians of that time.