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n. 1 A memory-aid; a reminder or memorandum, especially a book or document serving this purpose. 2 (context diplomacy English) a document circulated in a meeting or summit for discussion purposes (also termed a ''non-paper'')


In international relations, an aide-mémoire is a proposed agreement or negotiating text circulated informally among delegations for discussion without committing the originating delegation's country to the contents. It has no identified source, title, or attribution and no standing in the relationship involved. Such a text is also referred to as a non-paper in many international organizations, including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/ World Trade Organization and sometimes within the European Union.

The term also has a more general meaning, as an English noun with French influence, meaning "a memory-aid; a reminder or memorandum, especially a book or document serving this purpose."

Usage examples of "aide-memoire".

Jeremy expects him to whip out a pocket dictating machine as an aide-memoire, but instead he sits back looking pleased with himself.