Ahokainen is a Finnish-language surname. It is based on the noun aho (meaning "glade"), to which the typically Finnish surname-forming suffix -nen has been added. The surname Ahokainen originated in Eastern Finland and has been attested in official sources since the 16th century, for instance in Viipurin maalaiskunta in 1555 and in Jääski in 1562. In 2000, 203 persons in Finland had the surname Ahokainen. Three members of the Finnish Defence Forces with the surname Ahokainen (a sergeant and two privates) were killed in World War II. All three were born in Taipalsaari. As of 20 May 2013, 191 persons registered in the Population Information System of Finland had the surname Ahokainen. Notable people with the surname include:
- Seppo Ahokainen, Finnish ice hockey player